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「Project Research」 《Trauma-tragedy : symptoms of contemporary performance》 / Patrick Duggan

作家相片: siyipusiyipu

" Trauma has problematically become an increasingly over-used term in today's society, so much so that it has almost lost all sense of meaning in its everyday uses. The word pervades all levels of our interactions in the worlds, from the most personal and private traumas experienced throughout life, to its most banal use in television insurance adverts which claim that taking our a policy with such-and such a broker will prevent 'traumas' ". (P.3)

"The perpetual present of traumatic experience, I argue, creats a schism in one's understanding of self; thus, truama-symptoms are modelled as an ever-present doubling of the traumatic wound." (P.7)

The history background of trauma development.

"During this period the definition of truama started to shift from physical blow towards that of a shocking event, the impact of which is fele within the nerves and mind of the survivor." (P.16)

"while trauma has been redefined and reconsidered over many decades, there is still on single definition or unified understanding or it. Despite common or colloquial understanding, trauma remains a much contested area of debate and climical study which continues to generate a great deal of literature, from many different desciplinary perspectives." (P.21)

🌟 "Trauma-events progressively destory positive values of self and one's sense of safety in the world through imaginative restagings of the original event in the mind of the sufferer (Herman 2001:51). These small infractions become ever more problematic as their accumulative effect begins to manifest itself not as mere nervousness but as the symptom of psychological distress or, as it is now know, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). " (P.22)

"Trauma is thus a perpetually present absence; while the original event is a historical absence, the survivor- sufferer lives under the force of its continual re-performance." (P.23)

Trauma Tensions Triangulation.

"Trauma is a disruption of personal time which questions understandiings of self because it recurs without anticipation continually to call into question our comprehension of the world and our movements through it." (p.27)

"Theorist Peggy Phelan touches on trauma as already existent within humankind from the moment of birth. Her language evokes a sense of evisceration at birth as we are ' severed from the placeta and cast from the womb' only to enter the world as 'amputated' bodies defined by our own mortality(Phelan 1997:5)." (P.27)

"Programs that focus on nonverbal expression - a description that includes art, music, movement, and theatre programs as well as sports- are vital {...} The arts can play a central role in community healing, serving as a bridge across the black hole of trauma." (P.94)

"we might also think of as an un-healing, open wound, contending that: it is essential for this narrative that could not be articulated to be told, to be transmitted, to be heard...." (P.99)

"Trauma-tragedy does not imply a performance of violence or shocking imagery, although this may be part of it, but rather it is a mode of performance which attends to trauma through one or many of its key terms, for example: cyclical/repetitious, paradoxical, dichotomous, polysemic, uncomfortable, visceral, emotional, kinaesthetic, uncanny, 'real'." (P.174)

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