SIYI PU Critical Evaluation
In this two years, I built up new myself from jewelry worker who lack of thoughts to a more mature designer. I was growing up by...
「Reflect thinking」Tutorial with Maiko 07/07/2020
- At the now step, I should consider which available method I can use to present my work,and let audiences clearly understand my process...
「Collaboration」Student-led seminar 02 (Reflect thinking)
We got a lot of intereating sharing and feedback from seminar. We hope that through this way of sharing with each other, let everyone...
「Reflect Thinking」Tutorial Feedback 29/04/2020
Discussing the idea of using chains with Maiko: a. The mental and living conditions of the 'survivors' after trauma. B. Indonesia's...
「Reflect Thinking」Project Development 21/04/2020
After reviewing the ideas about salt chain, I found some problems that were overlooked at the beginning of the idea and during the making...
「Project · Collecting writing materials」房思琪的初恋乐园
1. 原来,人对他者的痛苦是毫无想象力的。 2. 我是馊掉的柳丁汁和浓汤,我是爬满虫卵的玫瑰和百合,我是灯火流离的都市里明明存在却没人看得到也没人需要的北极星。 3. 黑色加白色等于灰色,她热爱色彩的算数,也就是为什么她钢琴老弹不好.世界上愈是黑白分明的事情愈是要出错的....