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「Project Research」Reflection about《Freud: A very short introduction》Anthony Storr

作家相片: siyipusiyipu

As I researched deeper, I found that I needed to read books related to the area of psychology. My friend recommended some books about Freud's ‘Childhood Theory’. Here are some records that I think are relevant to the project:

" Freud remained a determinist throughout his life, believing that all vital phenomena, including psychological phenomena like thoughts, feelings, and phantasies, are rigidly determined by the principle of cause and effect. " (P.3)


"In a famous sentence, Breuer and Freud proclaimed: Hysterics suffer mainly from reminiscences." (P.20)

"The reminiscences were invariably painful, shameful, or alarming. It followed that there must be some mental mechanism, which tended to banish un-pleasant memories from consciousness and make them relatively inaccessible."

🌟"Freud postulated that the disowned affect, which had become repressed, being unable to find direct expression and discharge, gave rise to neurotic symptoms."

"In many instances, the physical symptom expressed the patient's feelings in symbolic fashion. Thus, constriction in the throat might express an inability to swallow an insult, or a pain in the region of the heart might signify that the patient's heart had been metaphorically broken or damaged."

"in other types of neurosis, a variety of neurotic symptoms, like obsessions and phobias, resulted from the repressed affect struggling to express itself indirectly."

all from (P.21)

"At first, Freud thought of the repressed affect as being always associated with trauma; that is, with some uppleasant event which the patient wished to forget. This observation is still valid today in cases of so-called 'post-traumatic stress disorder' , in which a patient has developed neurotic symptoms following a near escape from death, an accident, or some horrific experience like being tortured." (P.22)

"In an early paper, based on a lecture, which he delivered in Vienna in 1896, Freud affirmed that: no hysterical symptom can rise from a real experience alone, but that in every case the memory of earlier experiences awakened in association to it plays a part in causing the symptom." (P.23)


"Freud accurately describes its distinguishing mental features as: a profoundly painful dejection, cessation of interest in the outside world, loss of the capacity to Love, inhibition of all activity, and a lowering of the self-revilings; and culminates in a delusional expectation of punishment." (P.70)


"After psychoanalysis became established, biographers began to feel that, unless they had managed to uncover the emotional influences to which their subjects had been exposed during the earliest years of childhood, their portraits were incomplete." (P.91)


"The way we were treated in early childhood is bound to condition our expectations of how others will treat us later." (P.137)

According to Freud's theory of childhood, we can see that although a child's childhood experience will gradually be forgotten over time, even disappearing in the consciousness layer, it will stubbornly hide in the subconscious, to people. The lifetime has a lasting influence. Therefore, people who have experienced misfortune in childhood or who grow up in a repressive environment are more likely to feel inferior. Childhood experiences have a significant impact on growth. If you are happy in your childhood, you will be happy when you grow up. On the contrary, when you are not happy in your youth, you are not happy when you grow up. In society, some common mental illnesses, such as depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), are mostly associated with early childhood experiences.

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