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「Reflect Writing」06/06/2019 Tutorial with Maiko

作家相片: siyipusiyipu

Based on research of tears, I found that tear is a way of expressing sadness in my mind, and its inextricable connection with salt made me very interested in this point, so I had a conversation with maiko.

issues before tutorial:

how can I express tear traces, which forms?

After material experiment, natural salt pieces and resin salt pieces)How to make material selection?

The ideas of Summer show — 1. I proposed ideas about "masks" and "blankets" and "barriers".

2. shooting an emotional video


1. Inspiration: In the above-mentioned form of vision, Maiko suggested me to do a research about ' the body armor', Body armor as one of the forms of accessories, which can protects the human body and covers the body's defects.

2. For the using of materials, pure material will give people a stronger emotional impact. Although the resin-added salt tablets will become hard and brittle, it is unnatural.

3. For the shooting of short video, I need to think about the theme of the video, whether it is an important part of the exhibition.


1. Doing research about ’body amor‘ ,Finding a form to express emotion in my works.

2. Continuing to do salt traces experiment, solving the fragile problem of natural salt pieces.

3. Due to it's first time for me to shoot video, I need to research some Video artists, learning some expression methods and the deeper meaning of it. (For example, one video named 'life, death, rebirth, which made by BILL VIOLA)

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