When we talk about what is the meaning of “collaboration”, there is a definition from dictionary : When you work together with another person or group to achieve something, especially in science or art. According to Otto von Busch, “In the single body there are few possibilities, but in the super-organism’s there are many.” (2013). It means that When people work together and start talking, they inspire more creativity and imagination. Just like Pauline Ploquin who is the Chief Management Officer at StruckAxiom said that “but they share their visions, shares their ability to vision.”(2011). There is a other writer, who talk about the art of collaboration. According to Kinsman (2002), his book introduce master printer Kenneth Tyler’s creative collaboration with key artists of the post-war American art scene. A wealth of detailed personal information about the artists, based largely on their relationship with, and perspectives from Tyler. Artists produced some of their finest works with Tyler, in an atmosphere where collaboration engaged heart and mind, inspired innovation, response, and reaction. All of this points can show the benefits of collaboration.
For me, collaboration can also be a combination of different techniques or materials. Moreover, collaboration is a fusion of different cultures. In my past projects, I used to combine different materials into my work because I thought each material had its advantages and disadvantages, and when two or more than two materials “collaborate”, there was a complementary relationship in the project, which was an important aspect of the completeness of the work. When it comes to technique collaboration, I used to work with a ceramic artist, he shared some ideas about ceramics with me, I introduced the metal jewelry making process to him. In the process of communication, we share our ideas and experiences. Finally, I used ceramics to do a project.

For jewelry designers, the human body is the support of jewelry, which means that jewelry need to collaborate with people’s organisation, otherwise, jewelry is only miniature sculpture. In my MA project, the collaboration and interaction between jewelry and body are one of the problems I want to explore, such as “people wear jewelry in different parts of their bodies which whether can show their emotions to the outside world”. And I choose salt as my primary research object because it also has an integral relationship with our body. My next step is combining salt and metal to make jewelry, then collaborating with the body again.

Therefore, I think cooperation is not only an opportunity for artists to communicate, but also an opportunity for the development of their own works.
Busch, O. (2015) ‘Collaborative Craft Capabilities: The Bodyhood of Shared Skills’, The Journal of Modern Craft, Volume 6—Issue 2 July 2013, pp. 135–146. doi: 10.2752/174967813X13703633980731.
Kinsman, J. (2002) The Art of Collaboration : THE BIG AMERICANS. National Gallery of Austrilia: Canberra.
TEDx Talks (2011) The Art of Collaboration. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJ1hQ52xF9I (Accessed: 1 November 2018).